body works


Here are the puzzle pieces of your metabolism that you need to kick your fat-burning ability into high gear!

The following is an explanation of just what goes on in the body through hormonal control. I’ve tried to separate positive and negative influences, but sometimes it’s just not that black and white.  Once we regain hormonal control, they can become your biggest ally in the fight to be fit.

These controls occur in the body (organs) and with-in and on the brain (neurotransmitters).

Organ - Pancreas

Hormone: Insulin – Secreted by beta cells

Insulin is released as a response to blood sugar levels; the higher the glucose in the blood the more insulin is released.  Simple carbohydrate consumption evokes the strongest response. (i.e. sweets or white flour products)

Positive influence-

a)     Regulates sugar metabolism, by promoting glucose utilization.

b) Protein synthesis (muscle building) by helping amino acids into the cells for growth and repair.

c)    Converts glucose to glycogen for storage in muscles and liver.

Negative influence-

a)     Stimulates the storage of body fat from excess dietary fats and carbohydrates via stimulation of fat storage enzyme lipoprotein lipase LpL ( also connected to Cardio Vascular Disease)

b)    High levels can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) inducing fatigue and insatiable hunger, even coma.

Conclusion, when our body is depleted, (after workouts) insulin is needed to replenish energy stores and repair muscle tissue.  However, consistently high levels of insulin can result in insulin insensitivity and lead to decreased function of insulin and result in metabolic disorders and weight gain.


Regulation for weight loss:  Reduce intake of processed carbohydrates

            Eat balanced meals (in metabolic proportions every 2.5 to 3.5 hours)

            Modify coffee and alcohol intake as they have insulin-stimulating effects

            Exercise regularly it allows your body to absorb up to 30 X more glucose at rest.    

            Consume protein and EFA’s every meal (help to control insulin’s response to glucose)

            Relax more- Stress hormones stimulate a blood sugar increases and thus insulin responses

(Pancreas is also the source of digestive enzymes that help break down our foods. _


Hormone: Glucagon-secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreas

Opposite hormone to insulin helps keep blood sugar levels from falling too low for the brain.

Positive influence:

a)     Initiates breakdown of body fat by stimulating fat releasing enzyme hormone sensitive lipase (HSL)

b)    Converts excess protein not used in body to glucose (via gluconeogenesis)

c)     Prevents blood sugar from falling too low.

Negative influence:

- Is catabolic or breakdown hormone, may breakdown muscle tissue to maintain blood sugar if food intake is too low.

Conclusion: When food intake is adequate glucagon can help mobilize excess fat to be used as energy.


Regulation for weigh loss:

  • Stimulated through exercise once a certain level of glycogen has been depleted.

  • Don’t skip meals or restrict calories too severely.

  • Ensure adequate high quality protein intake throughout the day.

  • High insulin shuts off glucagon, (and fat burning).

Organ - Adrenal (Cortex)-

Hormone: Cortisol-

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid (a steroid hormone involved in carbohydrate metabolism) it is secreted by the outer membrane of the adrenal gland in response to stress (like illness, traffic, arguments, dieting, public speaking)

            Positive influence:

a)     (NONE in weight loss) Fight or flight, useful in survival situations only ( i.e. stress)  not supposed to be for everyday life.

            Negative influence:

a)     Destroys muscle (protein) tissue for quick fuel (turns amino acids into glucose)

b)    Increases blood sugar amounts.

c)     Reduces cell sensitivity to insulin, can lead to insulin resistance

d)    Suppressed immunity by decreasing lymphocytes and cytokines

e)     Turns off fat burning pathways.


Conclusion:  Stress must be reduced in order to maintain and control insulin levels and spare muscle.


Regulation for weight loss:

  • Sleep is the biggest regulator of cortisol, bed by 10 pm, asleep by 11 up 7:30-8

  • Change perception- Stress is the same real or imagined, add some mindfulness or meditation.

  • Don’t sevearly restrict calorie intake.

  • Don’t exercise too much, no more than 90 minutes any given time.

  • Eat every 2.5 to 3.5 hours

  • Ensure you have a sufficient supply of high quality protein intake throughout the day.



Organ - Adrenal GlandS

Hormone: Norepinephrine

Part of fight or flight response, (stress) it is a hormone that is produced in response to short-term stress or excitement.

Positive Influence:

a)     Can increase rate of body fat breakdown or thermogenic if not over stimulated.

b)    Increased glucogenolysis (conversion of glycogen to glucose, and lypolysis (conversion of fats to fatty acids.)

c)     Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle and opens lungs.

Negative influence:

a)     If over stimulated it can become catabolic and breakdown muscle, create agitation, and insomnia

b)    Can increase blood pressure.

Conclusion: A little excitement is great for fat burning! Think of this as cortisols, little brother, we want this guy to handle the stress, because the big brother always over reacts and for longer periods of time.


Regulation for fat loss:

  • Perform regular bouts of high intensity weight training.

  • Get plenty of sleep (to reduce cortisol levels)

  • Supplement with thermogenic aids like green tea extract EGCG.

  • Consume plenty of protein; amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine are Norepinephrine precursors.


Organ - Duodenum

Hormone: Cholecystokinin (CCK)

CCK is a hormone that is secreted by cells in the first part of the small intestine, and it stimulates the release of enzymes from the pancreas and increases gall-bladder contraction and bowel motility.

Positive Influence:

a)     CCK acts on the brain as a satiety marker, Tells you when you are full.

b)    Promotes reduction in excessive food intake (and cravings).

Negative influence:


Conclusion: Can be useful in reducing overall calorie intake and prevent binge eating.

Regulation for fat loss:

  • Can be stimulated by the consumption of glycomacropeptides (small protein peptides that have antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.)

  • Consumption of Whey protein (with glycomacropeptides) or GMPs, can increase CCK production 415% in 20 minutes. (great for stemming cravings)

  • Consume good quality whey protein with 20% GMP’s 1-2times per day.

Organ - Fat Cells

Hormone: Leptin-

Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that can act on nerve cells in the brain, and inhibit cravings and manage body fat supply.

Positive influence:

a)     Higher leptin levels mean higher metabolism.

b)    Can cause fat cells to self-destruct

c)     It acts in brain to increase energy output (usage) and decrease appetite.

d)    Signals brain that no more fat storage is required (appetite again)

e)     Inhibits NPY synthesis (see neurotransmitters) and stops excessive cravings.

Negative Influence:

  • NONE but, Obese people may have a leptin resistance (leptin produced in adequate or higher levels) but it doesn’t have the activity or action it should. .
    ( possibly related to insulin insensitivity?)

Conclusion: Good for reducing food intake and cravings and may aid body be more metabolically active and able to use stored fat.


Regulation for fat loss. :

  • Eat regularly to maintain adequate levels (starving reduces leptin)

  • Supplement with zinc and eat foods high in zinc (total under 50mg/day) Study showed obese people had low zinc and supplementing raised leptin by 142%.

Organ - The Brain

What goes on in that mind of yours?  These are a group of chemicals, hormones and neurotransmitters released within the brain to affect metabolism, appetite and metabolism.


Hormone:  Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

HGH is released by anterior pituitary gland in steady rhythms throughout the day and night. It is a potent growth hormone and fat burning signal.

Positive influence:

a)     Helps the body recover after resistance training and increases muscle mass. (stimulates testosterone production)

b)    Regulates growth and repair and stimulates body fat breakdown.

c)     Stimulates the release of specialized hormones called insulin like growth factors (IGF1)

d)    Helps decrease stored body fat by freeing it up for energy source and inhibiting Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) activity.

e)     It is a powerful anti-aging hormone.

f)     Restores metabolic rate to that of youth, hence it makes a powerful anti-obesity agent.

Negative Influence:

  • Excess HGH can cause abnormal bone growth, and increase incidence of Type II diabetes, and may lead to heart disease.

Conclusion: One of the most important aids in weight loss and anti-aging

Regulation for fat loss:

  • 80% is released during the first few hours of sleep. Go to bed early (between 10 and 2am).

  • Engage in regular strenuous exercise- (weight training)

  • Blunted by high blood sugar, high insulin levels, and high cortisol, and high somatostatin, so avoid high glycemic foods especially before bedtime.

  • Sleep in complete darkness and quiet to optimize melatonin production (needed for sleep regulation).

  • Supplement a natural HGH precursor called a secretagogue before training or before bedtime. (Only under Dr. Supervision)



Hormone: Melatonin-

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in dark conditions, to stabilize and promote normal sleep and daily biorhythms.

Positive Influence:

a)     One of the most powerful antioxidants produced by the body.

b)    Important for the repair and regulation of the bodies immune system

c)     Needed to stimulate prolactin (increases immune response) during sleep.

d)    Needed by the body to produce sufficient HGH.

e)     In animal studies has increased life span 20%.

Negative influence- NONE

Conclusion: Overall important for maintaining and regulation of normal biorhythms and immunity.

Regulation for fat loss:

  • Sleep in total darkness

  • Go to bed at reasonable hour

  • Consume high tryptophan foods



Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects comprehension, memory, mood, body temperature (thermogenic) aggression and appetite.

Positive Influence:

  • Maintains a happy outlook, and a stable mood if balanced,

Negative Influence:

  • If levels are depleted it can lead to carbohydrate cravings and binging. (Insulin needed to get other amino acids out of the blood into the cells so that tryptophan can cross the blood brain barrier)

Conclusion: A balanced serotonin level makes it easier to stay positive and reduced cravings and binging.

Regulation for fat loss:

  • Consume adequate tryptophan foods, (chicken, milk, pineapple, turkey, soy and whey.)

  • Reduce stress- stress is the fastest way to deplete serotonin.

  • Get adequate sleep- levels are replenished as we sleep.



Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and affects emotional response, pleasure and pain, reward feelings and plays a role in cravings and behavioral reinforcement.

Positive influence-

  • Balanced levels decrease hunger and cravings and lead to enhance metabolic rates.

Negative Influence-

  • Obese people may have fewer dopamine receptors, which cause them to eat more to stimulate pleasure circuits (like drug addicts)

  • Imbalanced dopamine activity can cause brain dysfunction and as evidenced in conditions such as, schizophrenia, and Parkinson’s

Conclusion: Needed to maintain positive outlook and derive pleasure from life.

Regulation for fat loss:

  • Consume high quality proteins (with phenylalanine and tyrosine)

  • Get sufficient sleep, neurotransmitters replenished only with deep sleep.



Beta- Endorphins-

Beta- Endorphins are released by pituitary gland and produce euphoric feelings and pain relief and are much more powerful than morphine (same receptors in brain)

Positive influence-

a)     Responsible for that euphoric energetic feeling.

b)    May help build muscle and improve immunity.

c)     The better shape you are in the more the beta-endorphins stay elevated.

d)    May help release extra HGH

e)     All the benefits of regular exercise - Increased pain tolerance, greater appetite control, and reduced anxiety.  Runners high, exercise become an addiction.

Negative influence-

  • They are very addictive.

Conclusion:  If you begin exercising you will feel more relaxed, and more in control, but feel the need to keep at it.

Regulation for Fat loss:

  • Perform regular bouts of high intensity.

  • The better shape you are in the greater the endorphin response and the longer they stay elevated.



Galanin is one of the most abundant neuropeptide in the brain, responsible for controlling appetite and hormone secretion from the brain.


Positive influence:  NONE in regards to fat loss.

  • In times of famine it stimulates fat storage.

Negative influence:

  • Triggers fat cravings and storage.

  • Released in response to high consumption of saturated fats.


Regulation for fat loss.

  • Eat regularly and don’t eat highly saturated fatty foods because it may trigger galanin release, which will stimulate body fat storage.


Neuropeptide NPY

NPY is the most abundant neuropeptide in the brain and is an extremely potent feeding stimulant.

Positive Influence: NONE in regards to fat loss

Negative influence:

  • Causes insatiable cravings for carbohydrates if too low making it near impossible to stay on diet.

Regulation for fat loss

  • Do not restrict calories

  • NPY inhibited by leptin so ensure adequate zinc intake.


Sex linked Hormones


Hormone- Testosterone:

Testosterone Produced by the testes and the adrenal gland and the ovaries. It is the precursor to estrogen in men and women. Testosterone is needed to build and repair muscle tissue.

Positive influence:

a)     Helps build strong bones, muscles, and ligaments.

b)    Increased energy

c)     Ease depression

d)    Increase libido in both men and women.


Negative influence:

·      Excess levels converted to dihydrotestosterone leads to more problems in  males.


Conclusion: Anything that helps build muscle helps in fat loss.


Regulation for fat loss:

  • Ensure adequate level of good fats in the diet (needed to make steroids)

  • Exercise regularly keeps levels up, uses circulating testosterone (not converted)

  • Eat high quality protein

  • Reduce stress, cortisol degrades testosterone levels

  • Men- herbal supliment of stinging nettle may prevent DHT conversion.

  • Women- the pill lowers natural testosterone levels

Hormone: Estrogen-

Estrogen is a group of steroid hormones that are produced in the ovaries and lesser extent in adrenals in women and testes in men. It can be produced in the fat cells.  It affects over 300 different bodily functions. May work on regulating the brain, and needed in both men and women.


Positive influences:

a)     Balanced levels in men and women encourage a healthy libido, improve brain function, protect the heart and strengthen the bones.

b)    May help prevent Alzheimer’s in men, (estrogen increases as men get older).

Negative influence:

·      Excessive levels can suppress and reduce testosterone activity, (leading to a loss in muscle and increase in fat. In women can lead to Estrogen dominance, and in men can lead to enlarged prostate, diabetes, and higher incidence of heart disease and cancer.


Conclusion: Proper levels needed for balance, High levels detrimental in men and women.

Regulation in fat loss-

  • Avoid pesticides, nutritional deficiencies, excessive alcohol intake (beer especially), and obesity to keep levels low.

  • Marijuana is an estrogenic herb, so go easy on the pot.

  • The liver must metabolize estrogen so a healthy liver is essential in keeping levels under control.

  • Stinging nettle for men can block the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.



Hormone Progesterone-

Progesterone a steroid hormone produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands in women and in testes and adrenal glands in men.  Plays an important role in brain function (feel good)

Positive influence: 

a)     In balance prevents estrogen dominance and feelings of calm and well-being.

b)    It can convert into estrogen or testosterone, as your body needs it.

c)     Acts as antidepressant and enhances mood.


Negative influence:


  • Low levels cause menopausal symptoms, anxiety, irritability and even anger.

Conclusion: Proper levels balance estrogen dominance.


Regulation in fat loss-

  • Can be stimulated with certain foods such as: beans, broccoli (and all the brassicas) nuts, pumpkin, spinach, and whole grains.

  • Other foods that lower estrogen are bananas, cabbage, shellfish, and walnuts.

  • Estrogen is metabolized in the liver, so avoiding excessive alcohol and other liver stressors may help elimination.



Hormone Prolactin-

Prolactin Is produced in the anterior pituitary and is closely related to growth hormone. Also made by immune cells, and is incresed during pregnancy. High levels of prolactin can be caused by anorexia, liver disease, kidney disease, and hypothyroidism, or pituitary tumor,and some psychactric drugs, and some herbal suppliments


Stressors such as low blood sugar and high levels of strenous exercise can also raise prolactin.



Positive influences:

a) Helps modulate the immune system and needs 6.5 un-interrupted hours of melatonin secretion.  (that’s unbroken sleep time)

b) Necessary for the production of breast milk


Negative influences:

            a) in men and woment not breast feeding with high prolactin levels, it reduces fat metabolism, and increases weight gain.

            b) infertility in women.

            c) high prolactin in men can cause gynomastia and hair loss.


Regulation in fat loss-

High prolactin levels can sabotage weight loss goals. See your DR. and reduce your stress, exercise less, and find ways to raise your dopamine, eat foods high in B6, and zinc.



Organ - Thyroid


Thyroxine (T3)  is formed by the conversion of T4 to T3 at the target tissues.

Similar but the difference is the number of bound iodine (3 to 4) Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) occurs in adults and can cause physical and mental sluggishness. Symptoms include puffiness in the face, fatigue, low body temperature, obesity, dry skin, and poor muscle tone. 


Positive influence:

            a) Thyroid hormone controls the rate at which glucose is burned and converted to body heat or chemical energy (ATP).

            b) It is also important for the normal tissue growth and development, especially in the reproductive and nervous system.


Regulation in fat loss-

We don’t want thyroid hormones too high (hyperthyroidism) or too low (hypothyroidism)

Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) occurs in adults and can cause physical and mental sluggishness. Symptoms include puffiness in the face, fatigue, low body temperature, obesity, dry skin, and poor muscle tone. 


So you can see that some things are beyond just what you eat.  It matters how you sleep, when you eat, your exercise level, current muscle mass, your sex and your age.


All in all this should give you a good outline to reinforce our eating and exercising principals while giving you a background on why it matters. Optimal health does take time and energy, but if we strive for balance overall, we will ultimately  look better, feel better, sleep better and even age better.